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What are we afraid of?

The history of security in thought and policymaking

Our society is stable. We have not been at war for decades and yet we seem more afraid of a suspicious suitcase than thirty years ago when terrorist attacks actually occurred. How can this be explained? Beatrice de Graaf does historical research on the development of the way we think about security.


<p>Thanks to&nbsp;Iris Koopmans, The Young Academy Office, Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism (CTC), Leiden University/Campus The Hague, Sierk Plantinga, Jacqueline van Walbeek, National Archives of the Netherlands<br />
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Made by: Moira van Dijk 2012<br />
In cooperation with:<br />
Camera, editing &amp; compositing: Jonathan Massey<br />
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Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS</p>