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Data sets as time machines

Where does economic inequality come from?

He approaches the great questions of economic history with great expertise: Jan Luiten van Zanden wants to know why one country is poor while another is rich. In order to find out he goes directly to the source. At Utrecht University and at the International Institute for Social History, he travels through time to find the origins of global inequality.

This video was made for the Academy Professor Prize. The Academy awarded the prize this year for the first time to geneticist Jan Hoeijmakers (Erasmus Medical Centre) and to economic historian Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University). Intended as a lifetime achievement award, the prizes of one million Euros are to be dedicated toward scientific research.


This video is only available in Dutch.


<p>Geproduceerd door Fast Facts<br />
Mogelijk gemaakt door KNAW</p>
<p>Met dank aan KNAW, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Universiteit Utrecht, Lenny Achthoven</p>
<p>Gemaakt door: Moira van Dijk 2011<br />
In samenwerking met<br />
Camera &amp; montage: Frithmedia<br />
Muziek: Daan van West<br />
Grafisch ontwerp: SproetS</p>