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What to think of the enhancement of man?

Researching the fading boundaries between humans and technology

With our technological skills we are busy improving man. Brain implants, prosthetics, gene-technology, designing the human seems within reach. At the University of Twente, philosophers study the fading boundaries between humans and technology, and the best way to deal with this.


<p>Produced by: Fast Facts<br />
With the support of: The Young Academy<br />
Thanks to all members of The Young Academy, KNAW, Iris Koopmans, Marja van Putten en Hugo van Bergen&nbsp;</p>
<p><br />
Made by: Marieke Aafjes 2010<br />
<br />
Produced by<br /> and Mediaridders<br />
Camera: Seesaw<br />
Montage:<br />
Music and Graphic design: SproetS</p>