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Understudy gene can be a lifesaver

From man-made stem cells to future medicine

Spinal muscular atrophy is a neuro-muscular disease that causes the nerve cells that control your muscles to die.
Niels Geijsen and his group turn patient skin cells into stem cells. From these stem cells they can grow nerve cells in the lab. They use these man-made nerve cells to find the cause of this disease.


Produced by Fast Facts<br />
With the support of the Hubrecht Institute<br />
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Thanks to the coworkers at the Hubrecht Institute, the researchers at the Niels Geijsen Group, Mandana Arbab<br />
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With images from: Spieren voor Spieren, patient: Lennart Colen<br />
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Made by: Marieke Aafjes 2012<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: Wouter Boes<br />
Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS