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Models, maps, and motion

Teaching geometry to computers

When we look at our computer graphics, play a game or use our GPS, we think about getting to the next level, or the fastest way to reach our destination. We can hardly imagine the world that lies behind these complex tools. Theoretical computer scientist Bettina Speckmann works in this abstract world. Her work of computational  geometry and algorithms makes our lives easier, safer and more intelligible.


<p>Produced by: Fast Facts<br />
With the support of: The Young Academy and Bettina Speckmann<br />
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Thanks to Iris Koopmans, The Young Academy Office, Technical University of Eindhoven, Kevin Verbeek, Wouter Meulemans, Marc van Kreveld</p>
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<p><br />
Made by: Marieke Aafjes 2011<br />
In cooperation with<br />
Camera &amp; editing: John Treffer<br />
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Music: Daan van West<br />
Graphic design: SproetS</p>