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Reading the earth like a book

Digging up the history of the Caribbean

When Columbus sailed the ocean over 500 years ago, in search of the New World, the first place he stepped ashore was the Caribbean. How did its Indian population live? Was there interaction between the islands? And how was this first meeting of the Old World and the New? For over 20 years, archaeologist Corinne Hofman has been searching for answers in the Caribbean earth.

Academy Merian Prize
The Academy Merian Prize was established to draw attention to female researchers and to encourage more women in the Netherlands to pursue scientific and scholarly careers. The prize is made possible by the SNS REAAL Fund.


Geproduceerd door
Fast Facts 

Mogelijk gemaakt door de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen en het SNS REAAL Fonds

Met dank aan Marja van der Putten, Ilone de Vries, Jimmy Mans, leden Caribische onderzoeksgroep Universiteit Leiden
Met beeld van Johan Gielen, Ben Hull

Gemaakt door: Aline Idzerda 2013
In samenwerking met
Camera & montage: Persistent Vision
Muziek: Daan van West
Grafisch ontwerp: SproetS